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A person taking a selfie in a car

University of Pittsburgh

London, England

Julia Caterino, Content Creator - Blogger

Content Creators

What class are you most looking forward to taking while studying abroad?
I'm looking forward to my Feminist London Activism in the City class. I'm a Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies minor at the University of Pittsburgh, so this was one of my most anticipated classes. I was thrilled when I saw it on my schedule!

Why did you choose to study or intern abroad? And why did you choose your destination?
I chose to study abroad in London because I wanted to get outside of my comfort zone. The London study abroad program was such a great fit for my major. All the classes that I'll take abroad will count towards my major. Beyond academics, I wanted to push myself socially. I'm a pretty big introvert, so studying abroad was always very intimidating. I'm ready to put myself out there and meet new people!

What is something you're passionate and excited about? (Hobbies, interests, causes, etc.)
I'm very passionate about reading, writing, and creating! I'm so excited to be a content creator for CEA CAPA. I love taking photos when I travel, so this was the perfect opportunity. Another one of my passions is food. I cannot wait to experience the food culture in such a diverse city like London.

what is one new experience you're hoping to have while abroad?
One new experience I'm hoping to have while abroad is making friends with local Londoners! Earlier this summer I studied abroad for three weeks in Florence, Italy, however I only made friends with girls from my program that also go to my school. I hope that, since I'm doing a full semester in London, I'll meet locals and become friends!

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